A comprehensive post-natal check up to look after you and your body, so you can look after your baby

Preparation for birth

Most births are problem free, and it is best to focus on that when preparing for birth. It is beneficial to exercise and move in the build up to the delivery in a way that is suited to your current fitness level, and to help make the pelvis as stable and as pliable as possible beforehand. We can assist in this process, particularly if you are experiencing pelvic girdle or low back pain. If you come for pre-natal treatment, you will not have an internal examination of your pelvic floor function, this is strictly part of the post-natal Mummy MOT.

Post-natal screening and rehabilitation

It can be reassuring to know that you are healing as best you can. Ensuring that your pelvic floor and abdominal muscle rehabilitation is properly undertaken is beneficial for supporting mums back to fitness, whatever the level of movement or exercise they wish to return to. Occasionally things do not go to plan, and it is good to know that there is help at hand, and you are not on your own with a new baby whilst struggling to cope with distressing symptoms.

Things we routinely treat are: rectus diastasis (closing of the gap down the middle of the abdominal muscles); scarring from an episiotomy or tear; pelvic floor integrity; continence issues; painful sex, painful caesarean scar, pelvic pain, retained shape of pregnancy, low back pain, stiffness and pain related to long hours feeding


It’s recommended that women have an initial assessment after their 6-8-week GP check.

  • Assessment of postnatal biomechanics.
  • Assessment of ribcage and abdominal region.
  • Assessment of pelvis, internal and external.
  • Screening for bladder, bowel or sexual dysfunction.
  • Written report if needed.
  • Based around your presentation.
  • Working with biomechanics of life with an infant e.g., back stiffness from breastfeeding, carrying baby, pushing a buggy, going back to exercise, low back pain, foot pain, pelvic pain, prolapse e.t.c.
  • Bespoke rehabilitation program tailored to your specific needs.

How is the MOT delivered?

A pre-screen form will be given to you in reception when you come to make sure we address all your concerns. During the 1 Hour Assessment, a detailed case history will be taken with a screen that may or may not include an internal examination: N.B. this is at your discretion. You should leave with a clear picture of what is needed moving forward. Following the appointment, a report detailing findings and recommendations can be emailed to you on request, which can be used to help inform other practitioners that you are working with, e.g., Personal Trainers, Pilates teachers etc. If necessary, a letter can be written to your GP if there is anything picked up that needs further investigation.


If you wish to bring a chaperone (a friend or family member), please let us know in advance. Currently it is best to come with a family member who lives in your household in order to adhere to social distancing rules. If you wish for The Practice to provide a chaperone, then you will need to give us plenty of notice, as there will not be anyone available on site and they will need to be notified and available at the time of your appointment.